Frequently Asked Questions
Q – Do music Fans have to pay for the musicbox4fans app?
A- No, the musicbox4fans app is a free app for Music Fans.
Q – What is the musicbox4fans app?
A- musicbox4fans is a free app that allows music fans from all over the world to discover new music from new artists of all genres. Music fans can purchase songs and add them to their custom playlist on the app. 100% of the purchase fee goes to the artist whose songs were purchased. Music fans can also connect with other fans from around the world and follow and connect with their favorite new artists.
Q – What is musicbox Social?
A- musicbox Social is part of the musicbox4fans App. musicbox Social allows music fans from all over the globe to connect with other music fans, connect with their favorite new artists and talk about favorite new music they have discovered and share photos and videos.
Q – What is musicshop?
A- musicshop is a major part of the musicbox4fans app. musicshop is where music artists can list their songs/music for sale to music fans from all over the world. With a few simple clicks you are able to read about your new favorite music artists, listen to their new music and purchase songs to listen to in your own custom playlist on the app!
Q – Why Do I have to Pay for Songs on the musicbox4fans App?
A- musicbox is a Free App for music Fans- However, when you pay for a song, 100% of the fee goes to the Artist. Unlike ALL other Streaming Platforms, you dont have to pay a monthly fee- So it much more Cost-Effective to just get the music you WANT with a One-Time Payment! Once you have paid the very reasonable price for that song you Love, its in your playlist forever!